Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 11: What?!?... I thought I was done adaptation

Oh God was I wrong. I think that yesterday was the calm before the storm. My muscles are still sore but are feeling a bit better. Muscle soreness is not the issue however. Today was the hardest day for me since the beginning to stay awake. All day at work I was almost falling asleep. At one time I was standing beside a scanner, I closed my eyes and almost hit the floor. My only guess to why this is happening is my body is trying to shut down for recovery. I am going to continue to push through though I am completely useless. It honestly feels like I have not slept in 2 or 3 days.

The entire work day was as described above, I would have a brief maybe 30minute reprieve after a nap but then it was right back to zombie x 1000 mode. I even threw in an extra nap at 3:30, still nothing. When I got home I had a little bit to eat and then it was off to Muay Thai.... this should be interesting.

When I got to Muay Thai my energy level started to pick up. I think this was more out of necessity then anything else. My body realized you need to do this or you will get hurt. We warmed up like usual and then just spared for the whole time. Once I was actually fighting all the tiredness and exhaustion disappeared. I am pretty sure that my cardio was worse than usual but not strikingly so. I got punched up pretty good and took a really hard knee to the elbow nerve (thats going to take at least 3 days of recovery so it should be interesting to see how it heals).

After getting home I felt pretty good, went to have my 9pm nap (around 9:45) and next thing I know its 3am. SHIT! thats the worst oversleep I have had so far. I have no idea how this is going to affect me in the long run, possibly throw me through a second round of adaptation or something. Either way it should be interesting. I really couldn't understand why I slept through my alarms and then I realized that I had set my phone to power save mode. This means that it doesn't vibrate (real smart carl, real smart).

When I woke up I was not as groggy as I usually am after oversleeping. It's probably because I woke up at the proper point in my sleep cycles. I was able to work from 3-5am very effectively (except for the shame :( )

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